14th February 2022

#STOPDEFORESTATION : Wild-harvested rainforest ingredients for cosmetics

The rainforest contains many products that can be harvested from the wild: gathered from their natural habitat without causing the rainforest any harm. These products contain many powerful natural ingredients that find valuable uses in the cosmetics and food industries.

Forestwise supplies sustainable and effective cosmetic ingredients from the biodiversity hotspot of Indonesia. Their belief in wild harvesting protects the remaining rainforest by adding rainforest value, inspiring and empowering local people.

Join us to learn all about FORESTWISE are committed to creating #RainforestValue in order to sustain the rainforest in Borneo.

LIVE WEBINAR: Tues 8th March @ 10:00
#STOPDEFORESTATION: Wild-harvested rainforest ingredients for cosmetics
Speaker: Richard Eyles, Head of Sales & Marketing, Forestwise

Forestwise's Head of Sales & Marketing, Richard Eyles has over 20 years of experience in the world of vegetable oils and butters. Over the last decade he has worked for companies whose focus is sustainable ingredients.

To register, email [email protected]